Friday, December 28, 2012

Porchfest - A Lesson in Mental Terror

Last May while visiting a friend in Massachusetts I came upon the Somerville Porchfest,  an event the brings together anywhere from 30 to 100 music acts who perform on front porches over an afternoon.  In less than 10 seconds I thought, "I have to bring this to my neighborhood!"  Or more accurately the front porch saturated, music loving town next door to mine.  In short order, I have gotten many of the residents and powers-that-be very interested in my music festival.  It's most definitely an event whose time has come.  

So here's the unsurprising fact, I am frozen, paralyzed and overwhelmed by what needs to be done.  That said, I know there are many elements in place to help me out, not least of which are two older friends who have become mentors to me.  One runs music events (natch!) and the other is a successful business man, additionally both are musicians.   Even better, they are well aware of my focus and organizational struggles so I am free to talk to them in way to doesn't hide how I need to approach tasks:  very carefully, mindfully, with deep breaths and a blue sense of humor.

I've come close to deciding not to do this but a few thoughts keep me connected to this idea of mine:
  1. I am tailor made for the high energy, social nature of this kind of work so it seems a shame to not do it because I'm not naturally organized or focused. 
  2. I want to work in the music industry. These folks are my tribe.  
  3. I want to know I am capable of putting on something as ambitious as a music festival
It's of great comfort to me that I have this blog too.  When the days are hard or overwhelming, I can come to this one place of quiet reflection to make sense of the daily chaos.

I shall most definitely keep you posted.  


  1. Wow! What an exciting project! Do you have a target date in mind?

  2. Saturday May 19th. Perhaps a weekend visit with the family?!

  3. Saturday May 18th!!! Not Sunday May 19th.
