Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Future Tense

My music festival doesn't happen until May 18th but I'm already thinking about what project I will do next and how I'll use this blog.  Let me state here and now writing this blog has been life changing for me.  First off, I don't think I could have put together such an ambitious project as a music festival without the narrative that writing these essays has given to me. Dare I say that writing has become necessary to a deeper understanding of my life and life in general?     

What I've learned so far in putting together this festival, well, are many things: I have a talent for connecting with people and of connecting people to each other, I speak well to groups (that's no surprise though, I love the stage) and I know how and whom to ask for help when I seek advice or guidance, you name it.  

What have I learned about my ADHD over the past few months?    What I'm learning about my brain is nothing that can't be found in many ADHD books but it's been satisfying and painful to pinpoint my particular struggles in the context of what I want to do with my life.  

I've become more acutely, objectively aware, of how high my brain revs.  Sometimes this is a fantastic thing for endeavors such as racing cars or performing on stageFor more medium energy, focused and sequential thinking, like say, learning a musical instrument, it's a nightmare and nearly useless.  Below is how I experience life much of the time:

The desire to learn a musical instrument has never dimmed in me.  I don't think it ever will nor would I want it to.  My next blog may be about doing just that- learning an instrument. 

Anywhooo, this is where I am


  1. U remind me of myself a lot. I have been journaling my thoughts daily. It lets me think cause I don't have to hold onto ALL the bouncy balls (thoughts) and its a release to not have to struggle to hold onto thoughts. I sleep better now. }!{

  2. So glad that writing has been helpful for you. I wrote in journals for years but stopped about 10 years ago. Writing for a public audience is what I desire and enjoy these days.

    Thanks for commenting.
