No - please don't panic, this was an arbitrarily set deadline so no hair pulling and gnashing of teeth on my behalf. The deadline did get me moving but Febuary 1st has come and gone. I got over it and quickly deduced that doing the bulk of my fundraising from March 1st to March 31st actually makes more sense.
I'll make this financial portion quick and painless - part of the fund raising efforts I will be doing for my May music festival, involves advertising my project through There. done.
Since the main focus of this blog is my life and work through the lens of an ADHD brain, I'll say this here, I am perpetually amazed at how poor...shitty....crap ass...whatever you want to call it... my organizational abilities are. This bit of age old knowledge on my part has been forefront on my mind this week as I've been reading through these Kickstarter project guidelines. They're not complicated but every task feels to me like an endless rabbit hole.
As I stretched and moved in yoga yesterday and felt pretty down, it finally dawned on me that this is one of those tasks (and by tasks I mean huge projects) where I need guidance, advice and most importantly: THE CREATIVITY THAT COMES FROM GROUP EFFORT. SO, I sent out an email to some key people. Not until I started writing did I actually know what I was going to say (much like this essay this evening). I avoided writing, "PLEASE HELP ME!!" but rather gently and clearly requested an hour to an hour and a half of people's time to talk about our little town and what kind of fundraising may work best. I managed to get two enthusiastic responses and one, "I'll try to be there," from the six people I emailed.
So we'll see. Folks will be coming by my place tomorrow. Now to get organized for that...
Hey Readers! I just wanted to add that after I uploaded this essay last night I received my first media request! The local paper wants to get the festival into their events calendar and possibly do an article. BIG SMILEY FACE!