Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Day Late and $3000 Short

I was informed yesterday morning that my music festival did not win the $3000 grant for which it applied.  Some kids education project did. 


Other than the mathematical fact that there was only $3000 to give away, the other reason the festival did not receive the money is the exact reason about which I wondered as I was writing up the grant: there there are already festivals going on throughout the year in this town.   

I have duly noted this observation and I answer back, "but it's not my awesome and unique festival!" My funding journey continues...

I stopped by just about all the business in town this week and got lots of good feedback; two have already donated goods to the project.  Speaking of that, I was NOT in the mood to do this.  At first I found this a heavy and unpleasant task to contemplate but as I moved from store to store and talked with people, my mood lightened and I became more at ease with being so.. well...public in advertising the festival and of fundraising.

More soon.  I'm in a writing mood. 

Thank you readers!!! 


  1. Great up-date!
    Maybe draft a compelling e-mail/pitch asking a local business to be your main sponsor, in return use their name in the title of the festival etc.

  2. Sorry to hear about the grant, but sounds like you are pounding the pavement, undeterred!

  3. Trina - Great idea! I have a few places in mind that might go for something like that.

    Mike, I indeed am forging on. I just found out from a friend that there were eight(!) other grant applications that were vying for this tiny pool of money. For some reason that gives me a bit of comfort.
