Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I am making official what has already been happening.  I am putting the blog on pause to regroup and think about what I'd like to do with it.  I've kept this space clear for my writing and my writing only and that's been right for me.  Now this blog wants to grow. I want it to grow.  I'd like to include links to ADHD books and blogs that I find worth reading and sharing.  More challenges.  More sitting still and reading difficult, labrynthine directions.  

Good things have come from writing these essays for the past eleven months.  I couldn't have produced a music festival without the emotional and organization outlet that this space has given me. Writing about ADHD has allowed me to become very specific about where my challenges lie (or is it lay?!) and how I articulate them to medical professionals.  That's been invaluable.  Lastly,  I've more fully realized something I've always known on some level, I love writing.

So I am off but plan on returning.  

Thank you for reading.   


  1. I hope all is going well for you, and sorry for not making it back here so often. G+ is what reminds me, and until the last day, haven't been there much at all. As of now, often as it's a tool for business.

    Sad to see you Pause, though I can understand too. Sometimes the pauses turn to stops for me though. As of lately as proof. Going wild to catch up and hopefully results quick. Can't give up though.

    Same for you, don't give up. You can get there too.

  2. Amen to both the blog and the comment from Eric. I've found that my periods of pause create either the 'ennui' mentioned in your most recent post, or an energized - but untargeted - restlessness. Typically, I react to either with a wave of scattered activity.
    Over time I've been practicing calmer reactions to the lulls. Instead of panicking (!), I collect, amend and, and refresh.
    Practice practice practice...

  3. Thank you both for your comments!!
