Thursday, May 16, 2013

50 Hours Away....

The music festival is SO close, the day after tomorrow!!  

This week has been about focusing on the details, never an easy task for a brain that kinda, sorta abhors and rebels against sitting down and working through the tiny bits and piecesI managed to work in fits and starts, breathed deeply at times and thought about the end result of a fantastic music festival to push me forward. Addtionally, I have hundreds of people relying on me to organize and communicate as best as I can.  I didn't think about the latter too much but I did allow this reality to pass through my consciousness once in a while to appreciate the moment.  

Some friends of mine have reminded me what an accomplishment this is for me (or anyone): that I set a HUGE goal for myself and for better or worse stuck with it.  It's difficult for me to let myself think this.   Perhaps because I'm just not used to being on this end of an accomplishment is why I'm reacting in this muted fashion (or because the festival is two days ahead of me rather than two days behind).  I heard a successful author say recently, to paraphrase, "I realized I had poor self esteem regarding the things I did naturally well."  Man, did my ears perk up and know in a moment that this is my case.  I think that's part of the reason why it difficult for me to take a moment and be genuinely proud of what I've accomplished. So in that spirit I say...

Creating a music festival from scratch has certainly not been easy and I can now say that, no this is not for everyone.  It took a lot of organization (not natural to me) and a ton of good communication and diplomacy (very natural to me).  So, yes, I am proud of what I have accomplished and will use the experience and good juju that I've engendered to go forward in my life to move ever closer to the work, people and ideas about whom and which I feel most passionate. 



  1. Good for you! As another struggling w/ADD, watching your progress has given me assurance that I, too can move forward.

    Best wishes,

  2. Thank you for your comment, Yvonne. It very much warms my heart to be in a position to offer some inspiration to people. : )
