Amidst a Swirl of Details Some Joy to be Found
To update you dear readers on music festival planning and the ADHD mind: things are going pretty well. Here's what I've gotten done over the past few weeks:
- Launched my Indiegogo campaign (not without some delays and stress but launched it was!).
- Spoke at a county council meeting to let the town leadership know about the festival. They seemed receptive.
- Designed the flyer that will hopefully solicit a few front porches on which acoustic bands will play.
- Sent out a request to the people I trust to help me select and organize music and front porches. Got back a fabulous response, by the way. The people whose help I desired stepped up to the plate. Offering to make dinner didn't hurt either.
- Got permission to set up a booth at my local farmer's market.
You get the picture. It's been a good few weeks.
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