Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Planning Has Begun

For readers of this blog, you may remember from a previous post that I am putting on a music festival in May.  

This is the most, "fake it 'til you make it" thing I have every done.  

My first act in fakery was last night when out of sheer need to create order out of chaos I created a drive folder in Google with the following folders in alpha order:
  1. Accounting
  2. Advertising
  3. Communications to local businesses
  4. Fundraising
  5. Marketing
  6. Permits
  7. Porchfest Articles
  8. Music Submissions
  9. Post-show Assessment
  10. Post-show Celebration
  11. Post-show Clean up
  12. Press
  13. Streets and Porches Maps
  14. Tchotchkes
  15. Website
I also created this list because today I will be meeting with an older friend who has been booking music acts for years.  She is one of the lovely people who has offered guidance to me and I want to come prepared.  

I have no grand insights in this post but wanted to share with you where I am in this very intimidating yet exciting process. 


  1. Readers, I had the meeting. Couldn't have gone better. I'm feeling a little bit terrified and a lot excited.

  2. So great you have a friend with experience to provide guidance! What is the permit process like - does it take much time to get your request considered? Is your May date set in stone yet, or would it be possible to move it back if needed?

  3. It was a really good talk. I'm meeting tomorrow with a man who owns a local folk music store who has expressed an interest in helping me fund the festival (and sell instruments). The festival date is not set in stone. My one moment of true anxiety in my talk with this friend was her expressing the thought I had LOTS to do and only five months to do it. Oy! That said, the date is not set in stone. Two things: I don't want the festival in the heat of August nor to coincide with any big local music events of a similar nature. In emailing with folks who've put on other porchfests, there's seems to not be a lot of permits to worry about (but I'm not assuming that!). I also want to learn about liability. The one BIG piece of advice I want to heed is to make it a truly community event. Get people/businesses well in advance to know about it and want to make it something special in their neighborhood. I'm thinking of having a band play at the end of the festival in a local park where people can come together and picnic. Pretty exciting!

  4. Sounds like a great event you are planning!
