I've been a student again for six weeks. Grade wise, I've done decently. Predictable, I've done very well on the writing portion, pretty well on the quizzes and gotten mixed results on the various larger projects that we have due each Sunday evening, which I inevitably turn in a day late.
The comprehension issues I have: poor ability to absorb, process and retain data and then to pull it out when needed, remain steadfastly in my life, like a lead albatross sitting on my brain.
I cannot tell you why completing this work is so difficult. For someone as verbal as I am, it's a painful place to be. I am nearly mute on this topic. I may be able to eek out explanations I've read about in my various reading on ADHD but somehow this isn't sufficient. The same inability to process information is the same reason I always struggle to learn an instrument, the same reason I couldn't manage my own business, or take care of my finances on a regular basis. I can read you reasons but I cannot explain my reality to you and it's heartbreakingly frustrating.